Учительница из США придумала способ, как узнавать о настроении учеников
Новости9 апреля, 2019

Учительница из США придумала способ, как узнавать о настроении учеников

Учительница из Техаса решила применить в своем классе идею, которую подсмотрела в инстаграме коллеги из Сан-Франциско. Простая разработка оказалась полезной в работе с самыми разными школьниками.

В Сан-Франциско преподавательница английского в старших классах для учеников со слабыми и средними учебными потребностями завела практику сообщать о своем настроении и психологическом состоянии при помощи липучих заметок. На доске в классе она предложила вести календарь, в котором под указанным днем расчерчены строчки с указанием самых разных ощущений, от великолепного и нормы — до тревоги и острого дискомфорта. Дальше нужно просто написать свое имя на обратной стороне наклейки и закрепить ее на той строчке, которая больше всего подходит под описание актуального настроения.

Пост о том, как это работает, увидели и другие учителя, которые все это время искали способ деликатно и достоверно получать информацию о психологическом состоянии детей в классе. И очень многие на опыте убедились, что это работает.


We all have struggles. ••• Reaching out for help is a difficult task for many individuals, but it doesn’t need to be. Society has a way of encouraging people to push their feelings down and to continue on with life. This is not only unhealthy, but can be very dangerous. I took my first psychology class in high school and I was so intrigued by how the mind worked. I decided to pursue a degree in psychology when it came time to select my major. I knew I wanted to work with kids and I thought studying psychology would open doors and provide an opportunity to shape minds positively. My brother gave me permission to share a bit of his story with you all and it’s a large part of what’s inspired me to work with kids. My brother, @whyitdc, was adopted into our family when he was 4. I instantly felt a connection to him. Wyatt has struggled with anxiety and depression for likely his whole life, and as a young girl I remember comforting him and reassuring him of our love for him. Leaving him to go away for college made me feel extremely guilty, but I was set on gaining the skills needed to help other children with their struggles. I think of my brother’s story often and use it to fuel my drive towards helping others. I don’t think I do anything special or extraordinary, I just listen, care, and allow my students to see my struggles. I had a lot of “perfect teachers” growing up, but as educators there is a simple way to break down the stigma around mental health. S H O W your struggles. T A L K about your strategies for overcoming them. E X P L A I N how everyone faces difficulties. E N C O U R A G E feelings to be shared rather than pushed down. If there’s anything I’ve learned over my 6 years of teaching it’s that most kids WANT to talk, they just aren’t sure who to talk to or how to do it. ••• Thank you for all your positive feedback towards this piece of paper. I can’t guarantee it will save lives, but YOU CAN. Take an hour off from teaching curriculum and teach your students that mental health matters in this world! 💕 • • • #specialeducationteacher #teachersfollowteachers #iteachspecialed #teacherlife #teacherresources #teachersofinstagram #teachers #meettheteacher

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